Ad Nauseam

Jan 07, 2021

Dear Parent,

I recall an old friend of mine describing her childhood this way: My parents allowed me to get bigger.  When I asked her more, she told me it meant they didn't interfere with her raising herself. They were there. They provided a roof, food and clothing. They punished rarely. They loved her, she thought, but they were mostly disengaged from the internal workings of her growing up.  

I notice the continuation of this trend myself. Many parents seem to be trading the opportunity to engage the minds of their children through curiosity, playfulness, and random chatty childhood rambling, for the unrelenting, taskmaster role of creating socially appropriate children. 

Do this. Do that. Don't do this. Don't do that. Stop that. Start this.  Ad nauseam.

You are the activator of deeper thought, connection and imagination.  Daily tasks will get done.  Girl Scouts Honor, things will still get done. 

Engage your children mindfully. Make the dishes wait.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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