Fearless Hearts

Aug 31, 2020

Dear Parent,

I love my work. I get to hear little miracle stories from parents like you every day.  Talk about fearless hearts.  Parents, children, grandparents, friends are all making little miracles in the lives of our children.  

I know sometimes you feel like you are on a journey of a thousand heartaches. You are not alone.  You are in the company of other parents seeking, praying, grabbing, fighting, screaming, begging, winning, demanding, accepting all that it takes to raise an attachment challenged child or two or three or four.

You are a blessing in the life of your child.

Like a wise friend passed along to me a while back, “We give with fearless hearts and the rest is up to our children.”

Reach out to those who can become blessings of support in your life. You do not have to go through it alone.

Love matters, 



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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