Mothers Are Amazing

May 08, 2022

Dear Parent,

I am a celebrated, sunburned, stuffed, loved, and tired mother of two attachment challenged children. This is the end of Mother's Day. I haven't always felt so satisfied on Mother's Day and I am grateful that I am learning how to create a safe and loving environment for true love to grow within my family.  I've had my doubts and I'm sure there are many of you who also have doubts.
This is for all mothers of attachment challenged children, and those who love them. You are strong, brave, steadfast, and determined. I know this. You are also amazingly loving people who are challenged every day to give hugs in the face of emotional outbursts, broken China, and physical wounds from your precious child(ren). 
It takes immeasurable depth of spirit to push on, hold on, hold tight, and keep your wits about you while loving your child into wellness. You are the epitome of love in action.
You may be a mother who had a great day today, or at least an okay one. And you might be a mother who kept your chin up, smiled through chaos at a dinner in your honor, or who was so tired you couldn't eat breakfast in bed if you were so lucky to get one. 
You may be a mother struggling every day to regulate your emotions and those of your children. Or you might be a mother who is beginning to see hope on the horizon, as your child is beginning to grow, change, hug back, tell the truth, resist shiny objects that fit quite well in little pockets, not hit you when angry, take a breath before arguing, smile genuinely, and receive the gift of love once in a while. 
Wherever you find yourself along this journey, remember that the human spirit is extraordinary. Children can heal. Parents can regain joy. Every day is one day closer to that goal. You have my greatest respect and admiration.

Happy Mother’s Day.  You rock!

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.


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